Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I am always super excited when i see celebrities/guests looking fabulous on the red carpet at different events. I must admit that sometimes,i actually interview based on looks[at least so that my footage would be cool]. A lot of things like "can i say thank you to your stylist",you are such a fashionable person, you are effortlessly stylish are the few things that comes to my head but at the same time, when i see the misses on the red carpet,i just feel like strangling them and asking them "Who invited you to this event really?"
So, from my fabulous archive,here are some of  misses from the 2011 Headies....

Agreed,we are bound to see things on the red carpet but this is not what we expected from a female singer,NO... Not werking at all.
This is utterly wrong from her hair [with the green strand] to her purple haze going on and her 

Okay,Wana Sambo is supposed to be a designer but maybe next time she should allow the muses, model or her clients rock her pieces because this trust me looks shabby and scattered. Maybe its showing too much skin in the wrong way or her make up ruined her look... 
Why is she frowning? 
 Now when you come across with guys that wear over-sized suit, two things come to mind;
1. Is it really yours? 
2. If yes,you'd have told the giver,thanks but its too big. 
And those shoes are DEAD wrong... *Now seeking my hiding place*

Over-sized suit,perfect no-no,Igho,why?
 Even my enemies will not be so harsh to wish me such nightmare.... BLACK ANGEL WITH BLUE&WHITE HAIR.
Jerry Jideobi
I blame whoever gave you an invite and even if you bought,am sure someone did that for you. 

Picture Credits-Kola Oshalusi-Insignia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even in my village my grant grand parents knows this is so wrong Jerry ...